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Our Ministries
Because Kids Matter to God
Awana is a Bible focused program full of fun for children from 3 yrs old - 6th grade. Awana meets Wednesday nights at 6:45 in conjunction with the school year. This is a great program where children memorize Scripture, and have fun at the same time. You're invited!
THRIVE Youth Group
The Place to Be​
Each Sunday at 9:15 AM teens are invited to enjoy a helpful Sunday School taught with them in mind.
Wednesdays at 6:45PM teens are encouraged to attend the thrive program which includes games, time with other Christian friends, and helpful, in depth Bible teaching.
Also, teens benefit from exciting teen activities such as Sky Zone, Gym Nights, the annual trip to the Wild's Christian Camp, and much more!
Bus Ministry
Bring Them In​
If you're in the Pensacola area and need a ride to NorthStone, please call us at 850-478-1691. NorthStone provides fun, safe transportation to church for all ages. We hope to see you at our next service.
Sunday School
Classes for All Ages​
Join us this Sunday and enjoy an age appropriate Sunday School class. You'll benefit from the Bible teaching as well as the Christian fellowship. After the morning lesson, class members are encouraged to dialogue with teachers, and other students, about the lesson topic. Q&A can be a helpful part of SS.
Also, each class has a quarterly fellowship activity designed to encourage healthy Christ-centered friendships. Be our guest this Sunday at 9:15 AM.
Young at Heart
A Ministry to Senior Saints​
So much fun! This group gathers regularly for fellowship activities such as movie night at the church, local boat rides, restaurant outings, the Senior Adult Conference at the Wilds and much more! Folks 55 and older are invited to be a part of this fun group!
Dei Gratia
A Ministry to Cancer Patients
Dei Gratia means "by the grace of God." This gospel-focused ministry primarily exists to strengthen and encourage people of all ages who are battling cancer. A cancer diagnosis not only means a battle for physical health, but it also brings with it a spiritual and emotional battle.
With that understanding, members of NorthStone work together to produce and deliver Gospel gift bags to cancer patients at hospitals and medical facilities all around Pensacola. The bags themselves are hand crafted, very stylish, and include numerous spiritual and practical gifts. By the grace of God, He has used the Dei Gratia volunteers to encourage many people as they face the deepest trials of their lives.
Ladies Ministry
For Her
Throughout the year, ladies are invited to attend quarterly Ladies Fellowships. These meetings always include door prize giveaways, great food, fun games, sweet fellowship, and a Bible-based message by Britan Johnson. (See our CALENDAR page for dates)
Also, NorthStone ladies are encouraged to attend an in home bi-weekly Bible Study hosted by Marty Ainsworth.
Further, in an effort to meet the specific spiritual needs of ladies, they can choose to attend the Ladies Only SS class called the Precious Stones. Ladies, NorthStone is committed to strengthen your faith and see you grow in your relationship with God.
Men's Ministry
For Him
Each month the men of NorthStone are encouraged to attend our Men's Prayer Breakfast. Typically this special time of prayer and fellowship meets on the second Saturday of the month at 7:30 AM. Also, in an effort to meet the specific spiritual needs of men, a Mens Only Sunday School class is offered and called the Solid Rock. Please see our CALENDAR page for additional events for men.
Furthering the Gospel Conference
NorthStone is a very missions minded church! Are you a missionary seeking support? Email your information to or call our church phone number (listed below) and push #3.
Ways We Support Our Current Missionaries: In addition to monthly financial support, our Sunday School classes are involved in an Adopt a Missionary program where each class prays for, and communicates with, assigned missionaries. Every Wednesday evening, a missionary letter is read to the congregation for updates and prayer requests. Members of the NSBC Missions Committee meet monthly for prayer and to evaluate the needs of our missionaries.
Each October NSBC hosts our Furthering the Gospel Conference. The goal of the conference is to aid missionaries in their goal of Furthering the Gospel in the field to which God has called them.